Free Biodiversity Training
Now taking Expressions of Interest!
This course will be offered to 10 groups, or collection of groups in an area that are interested in making their community and local area more biodiversity friendly. The course will upskill and teach volunteers how to protect and enhance the biodiversity of their local areas and provide them with the tools to develop their own plan to support long term improvement of their area’s biodiversity.
Our aim is to encourage a whole community approach to creating awareness and building capacity for the protection and conservation of local biodiversity. This training will help you to identify projects for environmental protection and conservation. We would like to hear from all sorts of organisations and groups across County Sligo.
We have capacity to support 10 areas or groups and would encourage groups such as Tidy Towns groups, community development groups, men’s sheds, sporting groups, residents’ associations and any other interested groups who are looking to improve their local biodiversity to get involved.
Apply here