Healthy Ireland Initiative
Eating a healthy diet is always very important, and now even more so during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A healthy diet and lifestyle is important for supporting our immune systems. What we eat and drink can affect our body’s ability to help to prevent, fight and recover from infections.
Sligo LEADER Partnership launched a Healthy Ireland campaign in collaboration with clinical nutritionist Gabriel MacSharry and Ocean FM, focusing on ways to boost your immunity and maintain a healthy diet.
Over five weeks Gabriel talked about healthy ways to prepare the body for the winter season, how to support your immune system and increase overall health.
The podcast series is available to everyone here:
Session 1: Promote good gut health
Session 2: The importance of Vitamin D
Session 3: A robust immune system
Session 4: Healthy weight management
The series was provided through The Healthy Ireland Fund which is supported by the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.