The Key institute, situated in Carrowmore, Co sligo, is one of Ireland’s foremost Equestrian and Language Centres.
The Key Institute currently offers courses for 3 specific levels of horse rider. Their target market is 10-19 year old riders who ride once or twice a week and compete at weekends usually on horses from their riding club.
Many of these young people who have been on Key Institute courses several times, progress to a higher level, have their own horse and wish to come back for higher level courses which up to now were not available.
The Key Institute were awarded LEADER funding of €98,915.25 for the development of an elite junior sand arena to cater for 16-20 year old riders who already compete at 1.2m.
The main market is France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Belgium. They bring their own horse and are usually trained by coaches known to the Key Institiute in their home country. Once the young rider comes to train in Sligo, the Key Institute continue to distance mentor them between the 3 – 4 annual training sessions at this new facility in Sligo.
The sessions in Sligo will take place in Autumn and Winter. Training sessions will take part in week-long camps for a maximum of 6 riders at a time. The Key Institute anticipates and average of 31.5 weeks per year over the next four years.
Funded by: LEADER