Cosy Cats Childcare is situated in the Catacombs; the previously undeveloped vaults below Calry Church which is situated on The Mall, Sligo. These Vaults have undergone extensive remodelling and refurbishment and has been transformed into a bright and cosy purpose built childcare and community facility.
The project was awarded €42,924 of LEADER aid to remove the existing roof on the Catacombs, which continually leaked, and replace it and to re-surface the drive and car-parking area which is in constant use and had deteriorated substantially.
Cosy Cats have also been a TÚS host offering opportunities to participants interested in support to childcare workers, meal provision and general maintenance. Participants have described their placement in Cosy Cats as very positive and a warm, friendly and fun-filled environment.
Funded by: LEADER, TUS