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Sligo LEADER supports disadvantaged communities and individuals to access pre-employment training programmes that can improve your employment prospects and opportunities.
We begin by offering one-to-one guidance and explore the training options that would work for you.
We work with a number of groups and individuals including:
- Unemployed people and people who are under-employed or in and insecure employment situation
- People living in deprived areas
- People with disabilities
- Single parent families
- People on a low income
- Members of the Traveller and Roma community
Find out more
If you would like to find out more about the current courses available (listed below), or explore other education and learning opportunities that are available to you, please contact:
Karen Gabbidon
Tel: 087 2054596
Funded by:
Courses available include:
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Ways to Wellness Programme
These online workshops will help participants to to learn techniques to lower their stress and anxiety, particular surrounding unemployment and rejoining the workforce.
Fit 2 Work Skills Programme
This programme provides 17 free eLearning courses (50 hours) that will help you upskill and be job ready as our economy opens up fully again.
Manual Handling Training
This course will provide delegates with the knowledge and skills to correctly pre-assess, lift, carry and lower objects. It will identify best health and safety practice.
Customer Service Training
Customer Service Training will assist the learners in creating a positive & professional impression when dealing with customers.
Safe Pass Training
Safe Pass is designed to raise the standard of safety awareness in the Construction Industry.
Skills Connect
Identify Transferable Natural skills and Abilities Workshop will help you to understand your own natural strengths and what you do best.
Personal Effectiveness Workshop
The workshop will help you to understand and build your communication skills alongside delving into your personal motivation, confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness.