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Ballisodare Men’s Shed was founded in 2013 and moved into the community facility at Youngs Quarry in 2015 after upgrading the building interior. The shed is a community based non commercial based organisation, open to all.
The primary activity is the provision of a safe friendly inclusive environment where the members can discuss and work on meaningful projects together and which promotes the health and well-being of all members.
The Shedders slogan is; “Men don’t talk face to face, they talk shoulder to shoulder”
Thanks to the hardworking Ballisodare Community Amenity & Centre Committee chaired by Pat Barrett Ballisodare Men’s Shed have a state of the art space which allows them to further develop our activities and the new workshop provides us with an opportunity to demonstrate and improve woodworking skills.
The hall facility also allows us to increase the places available to both men and women playing indoor bowls and our social calendar includes many events and trips such as our annual trip to the Tubbercurry Drama Festival, cinema outings and of course the Christmas Party which is always well attended and enjoyable!
The major interest at the moment is the indoor bowling. They intend to develop links with other indoor bowls clubs in the county and participate in bowl blizes. This year the Shed were successful in applying for a SICAP Community Grant towards some bowling equipment.
There is also an extremely active walking group which meets each Tuesday at 11am and participants go on long hikes nationwide as well as short trips around Union Wood.
The current activities reflect the interests of the present members however we welcome new members suggestions on activities and new ideas.
There is always a warm invitation for new members to come and join our group, bring their skills and learn new ones.
For more information on Ballisodare Men’s Shed
please phone Andrew on 087 9137012
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